Sunday 21 February 2016

Illumicrate - Unboxed #2

February finally brought the second issue of Illumicrate. I recieved my box early last week and wanted to hold off putting anything online except the box to avoid others who'd not yet recieved theirs being spoilt. 

What i like most about Illumicrate is that you never know what to expect. I avoid or miss any tweets that may provide hints of which supplier is adding items. I love the element of surprise, especially when its mixed with books. This quarters box didn't dissapoint. It kinda beat the first one.

So what was inside...
  1. Truthwitch - Susan Dennard
    1. & Signed Bookplate and Postcard
  2. Bookcase Pouch by Elena Illustration
  3. Love Boat bookmarks by BeeDoo
  4. A Darker Scent of Magic Candle by Simple Candle Co.
  5. Bookish Quote Pencils by Pobble and Ping
  6. Threadsisters Book Mark by Day Dream Designs
  7. Extras from: The It Girl & Dark Days Club

    I've not read TruthWitch at all, although I have heard plently of good things about it. So it should be a great read. I'm a huge fan of book marks and candles so it was a win-win for me. This box certianly made me glad i stayed signed up for it. I'll be leaving it for the full year so i can see what the next two boxes are like. 

    It's not a subscription box to be missed!
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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This subscription box looks so good! Truthwitch is amazing, you just have to give it a few pages, because it's a bit confusing at the beginning. Great post!

      Sofia @ Bookish Wanderess
