Tuesday 1 September 2015

The Rosie Effect

Title: The Rosie Effect (Don Tillman #2)
Author: Graeme Simsion
Type: Hardback
Read: 28th August - 1st September 2015
Rating: 4/5
Published: 30th December 2014 by Penguin

Join everyone's favourite unconventional couple Don Tillman and Rosie in the next chapter of their love story
With the Wife Project complete, Don settles happily into a new job and married life in New York. But it's not long before certain events are taken out of his control and it's time to embark on a new project . . .

As Don tries to get to grips with the requirements of starting a family, his unusual research style soon gets him into trouble. To make matters more difficult, Don has invited his closest friend to stay with them, but Gene is not exactly a prime example of marital happiness, and as his life with Rosie continues to be unpredictable Don needs to remember that emotional support is just as important as his practical expertise . . 

I read 'The Rosie Project' last year and I absolutely loved it. I've had the sequal on my TBR pile for ages. In this book, the Rosie Effect, we see our unconventional couple Rosie and Don, embark on a new life. Firstly they upped and left Oz for the USA, and now Rosie is pregnant. Don never planned parenthood so soon after marriage and his world once again is turned a little crazy.

The characters development in this book at times seemed very dramatic. I often found Rosie a little hard to like, which was a shame. She was trying to juggle pregnancy, a thesis and trying to figure out her thoughts towards Don and fatherhood. Then we have Don, who's life is dominated, slightly less so now, by routine and he just doesn't know what to think/ feel about becoming a dad. It's not in his mind to feel anything but he can do something. He can research and this is where all the trouble begins.

One character I did not like even at the end was Lydia. I think from meeting her so early on in the book and then her apperance throughout annoyed me. She was just so ignorant. So blantely rude to Don and it really worked me up. I know its just a book, but she was wrong, so very wrong. And it made me think that stuff she said, still goes on today.

Don does get himself into a bit of trouble and thanks to his few friends, Dave, George and Gene, he probably gets in to much worse. Listening to any of them wasn't wise. But I still loved Don, I still wanted everything to work out for him and i wanted Rosie to see sense.

Perfection doesnt' exist and i think Rosie missed her reasoning behind her choices. She knew by getting married to Don, he wasn't perfect and had a structured way of life. Yet that was the thing that her mind was telling her was wrong.

But as a book, it's probably not everyones cup of tea, some may even think why was a sequal even wrote. But i think it showed the next stages of Don's life and his ability to adapt to these, and feel emotions, even small ones, graudally. I love the progress he made.

Overall an excellent follow up. Although it would behard to beat the first!  

Go Get it From: Amazon UK | Book Depository | Waterstones

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